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Personal Desk


Tax returns and self employment


This is perhaps the most important service we offer, if you are a director, contractor, self-employed or receive rental income then you in all likelihood are due to submit a tax return.


We not only strive to be affordable, but more importantly remove the hassle and fear from the January tax return deadline, meaning you do not have to worry about the tax man.


Our biggest goal is to help manage and where possible reduce your tax bill, together we can keep the tax man in check!


Penalties and fines...we can help


HMRC can charge penalties and fines for late submission, these fines can be avoided simply by having us on your side.  We will remind you when your return is due and correspond with HMRC, removing the hassle and giving you peace of mind that you have a professional looking after you!


Even if you already have fines accumulated on your account we may be able to help, having dealt with numerous tax investigations and inaccurate fines, we may be able to have existing fines removed.  Do not bury your head in the sand because the tax man will not go away.


Give us a call for a free chat and we will be able to help


Refunds and CIS


Depending on your situation you may be due a refund, the most common situation we deal with is Sub-contractors who have suffered CIS tax, frequently resulting in refunds.


We can ensure you get the maximum refund due to you as promptly as possible.  If you are due to file a tax return do not leave it to the last minute, particularly if you may be due tax back.


It can be a nice feeling getting the call stating "you are due refund" and even better knowing we will push this through as quickly as possible to get you your money.

Get a Quote

Choosing your accountant is an important and personal decision.  So why not give us a call for a chat?

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